Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 2

Hi - post your questions about HW 2 here....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Assignment 1

For this first assignment, you're conducting two sets of analyses:

1) Describe the children in your sample in terms of socio-demographic and academic characteristics (see handout for the list of measures).

2) Explore how children who are living in poverty differ (on average) across several dimensions from those who are not. Use t-tests and focus on the continuous measures (see handout for the list).

For examples of tables, take a look at the Ready et al. 2005 paper, page 29.  Also see the handout, "Making Basic Tables" on the classweb files.

Submit only Table 1, Table 2 (in word format! not your spss output), and your syntax to Megan on Thursday, October 15th by 5 p.m.

class blog

Hi all -
Given that we meet so infrequently, I'm hoping that this blog will help support you while you're working on assignments, figuring out problems, etc.  Please post any questions or comments (or you can email me and I'll post them if I get a lot similar ones) you have -- in general or about specific assignments. Also feel free to answer questions others have...this should be collaborative.